Thursday, January 16, 2014

So They Might Know You Better

Father, I ask for your blessing and Holy Spirit
As I live my life and as I write these verses
Help me explain your mercy as I have come to know it
That it be a true testimony and witness

You came to us from working class poverty
To prove that even the lowest of us can be exalted
Bringing a new law that freed us from slavery
Proof that a soul can not be walled or vaulted

Parables not given as lecture but inspiration
Ideas that shook the earth and caused the skies to open
Lessons not for one people, instead given for every nation
Through enlightened teaching, old chains were finally broken

Judgement turned to kindness and charity
Now between justice and love
There would be no disparity
Here below as promised above

You came and showed us freedom's cost
Responsibility for our lives and those we touch
To hold up a light for those who are lost
And give up even our lives, if it come to that much

The Word made flesh, the essence of  grace
Love thy neighbor as thyself
God's law given a new face
A source of joy and eternal wealth

Through our rebellions and failures
In the darkest hours of despair
It is your love that endures
It is that hope that we can share

Scourged and mocked like a criminal 
Nailed on the Skull Rock to a cross
Darkened skies and earthquake as the signal
Signs of impending victory not those of loss

After three days, risen to walk with us again
Sin and death defeated for all mankind
One price, one final sacrifice, born of our pain
That we would know him better and find our love refined

There are times in my life when I question everything.  My heart has consistently come back to one conclusion.  I am free not because I am deserving of freedom but because the cost of my ransom has been paid.  I believe that all people receive this gift; just as we were bound to sin, so are we freed from it.  I have no judgement, for I have been given reprieve.  I have understanding that my imperfect love can be perfected.  While my worn and weary heart may falter, the source of my love never fades.  God, help me that I always remember to love and forgive, as you have loved and forgiven me through Christ Jesus.

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